Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement


2023 Back to Basics Day

We are proud to have raised money to support UNICEF’s vital work for the Emergency Appeal for Children in Israel and Gaza during the current crisis. These children are currently not having their right to safety or a good quality education respected.

No place is safe for a child while the intense fighting continues. Following days of air strikes, children and families are running out of food, water and electricity. Medicine and safe access to hospitals is severely restricted.

For this reason, Seal CE Primary went back to basics! For one day, we took away all of the luxuries that we are lucky enough to enjoy at school. As a Rights Respecting School, we are aware of our fundamental rights and we understand that they are not being respected in this crisis. That is why we campaigned for this cause.

£68 could help pay for school supplies to help at least 20 children continue their education in an emergency; £39 could provide a family with an emergency water and hygiene kit and £32 could help provide blankets for 5 children. When we last checked, the amount we have raised is a staggering £2,361. This money provide support for nearly 680 children currently suffering at the hands of the conflict.

Below is a video demonstrating our efforts from the day along with some images.

Our fundraising efforts before the day had even begun. It continued to rise!

2024 Wilder Kent Awards

In the Spring Term of 2024, Seal were visited by Kent Wildlife Trust to start our journey towards applying for the Wilder Kent Award. This was our spring campaign, looking at supporting and developing our local community.

"The Wilder Kent Awards is a scheme set up to recognise and reward the work schools, businesses and community groups are doing in helping us create a #WilderKent. By taking positive actions to restore nature, they are helping to create a more climate-resilient county and provide a home for wildlife. Their action benefits us locally and helps tackle the global environmental threats we all face." - Kent Wildlife Trust

The journey started off with a whole-school assembly where the children were taught about the wildlife that can be found around Kent as well as our school and engaging them in why it should be protected.

Children and staff have since been involved in workshops as well as classroom activities that have all formed part of the journey, working towards engaging with nature, protecting wildlife and sustainability and carbon reduction.

Photos of some of our activities pending...

We look forward to finding out how we do at the awards ceremony!