EYFS - Ladybirds and Bumblebees
Welcome to Ladybirds and Bumblebees Class Page!
EYFS Classes - Ladybirds and Bumblebees
Bumblebees Class Teacher – Mrs Joolz Ryan jryan@inspiream.org.uk
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Hart and Mrs Knox
Ladybirds Class Teacher - Mrs Marcia Baxter mbaxter@inspiream.org.uk and Mrs Naomi Nicholls nnicholls@inspiream.org.uk
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Sarah Jones
Forest School is on a Monday afternoon. Please ensure their kit and their Wellington boots are in school
PE is on a Friday afternoon. Children should come into school dressed in their PE kit.
What are we learning this term?
Main Experiences
Rules - In this experience we are introducing the children to the school rules. We will be looking at class rules, lunchtime rules, Inspired Play rules. We will be introducing the Rights, linked to Unicef and creating our own class charters to help us follow the rules.
Prime Areas-
Physical Development
We will be looking at different ways of moving and using our posture to support gross motor skills. We will be using a range of small motor skill activities to support our pencil grip and writing skills.
Personal, Emotional and Social Development
We will be looking at independence and our emotions and the importance of friendships and working collaboratively.
Communication and Language
Exploring new vocabulary through Drawing Club and asking simple questions.
Specific Areas -
Choosing a range of familiar stories that we can share. Mark making and learning sounds through RWI.
We will be learning to subitise and the formation of numbers up to 5.
Understanding of the world
The features of my school and places that are important to me.
Expressive Arts and Design
Enjoying singing and signing. Working collaboratively to complete a shared outcome.
This term's wellbeing focus is focused on understanding feelings. Focusing on the alibility to describe a wider range of feelings and what children can do if they feel them.
How can you support at home?
Please talk to your child about their learning. Key knowledge that the children need to know is detailed on the launch page.
Please support your child with their phonics using the cued articulation videos on our website and the phonic sheets adn reading that will come home.
Also completing the class mascot bear’s diary with your child. Your child will have the opportunity to share their adventures with the rest of the class.
Learning Experiences 2023-2024
1. How do we follow the rules?
Our first learning experience is all about following the rules at school and our rights.
2. Get a grip!
We have been learning about the correct grip for using a knife and fork. We learnt how to lay the table and how to hold cutlery correctly.
We can all now use a knife and fork correctly when eating our lunches.
3. Dear Farm
We based our experience on the book 'Dear Zoo'
We have been learning about the animals that we see at our school farm and creating a book to share in class.
Sharing our finished book before publication!
4. Why do Christians perform nativities?
We have been learning about the importance of nativities for Christians.
We have been exploring effective communication and performance.
We have learnt songs and used Makaton to support our fantastic singing.
5. Safety Superstars
We are exploring how to be safe in a range of scenarios such as crossing the road, playing with a ball or even going to the shops.
We know the importance of making good choices and the outcome that our choices make.
6. Art Attack
This learning experience is all about colour. We will be exploring a technique used by Van Gogh called 'impasto'.
We have explored colour, thinking about tone and shade. We had a visit from a professional artist and we created our very own canvases, which are now displayed in the Inspire Gallery.
Our collaborative artwork!
7. Ready, Steady, Grow!
Our new learning experience is about life cycles of plants and how we can care for plants. We will be growing some different plants and writing instructions on how to care for them. Also understanding what conditions are best suited for plants to grow.
We were left some beans by the Minpins who wanted to learn how to look after them and they wanted to know the best conditions for them to grow.
We went on a plant hunt around the school, identifying different plants an the areas where they are growing.
8. It's a Pond's Life
We explored our pond habitat at school, and we learnt about what makes a good pond environment for the different insects and creatures that live near or in a pond.
We have written some great information posters to help people understand about the different animals and plants that they will spot in our school pond area when they go pond dipping.
9. Clever Clickers!
We have been learning about how to stay safe when using computers, tablets and phones.
We know that there are 3 important rules. You can see them in our outcome below!
We went on a technology hunt around the school. We found so much technology!
Learning Experiences 2024-2025
Our Learning Experiences
We teach phonics daily using the Read Write Inc programme.
Green Words
These are words than can be sounded out and blended back together again.
Red Words
These are tricky and cannot be sounded out. We need to learn and recognise these words from sight.
Our Christian Vision
In Ladybirds and Bumblebees we are learning about how we are tiny seeds and how we want to grow and flourish into a big tree or be one of the birds or animals supported by the tree.
We know that we need to support each other and help each other to flourish.