English Reading
Children are taught to read through a range of approaches including daily phonics teaching for Key Stage One (and those who may need support in Key Stage Two), whole-class guided reading sessions and access to high quality texts across the curriculum.
In Early Years & Key Stage One daily phonics is taught through the Read Write Inc programme, details of which can be found on this site. Children are then able to take home reading books based on their stage in the phonics programme. Class teachers will also use a variety of quality texts in their English lessons and during whole class reading time to broaden their vocabulary and knowledge of different types of texts.
Children who have completed the phonics scheme have daily guided reading sessions where the whole class read a quality text together and explore its meaning through drama activities. Pupils are taught reading comprehension strategies to focus the learners’ understanding of written text. Pupils are taught a range of techniques which enable them to comprehend the meaning of what they read.
Children are required to read daily at home and complete a reading diary of the books they have read. Pupils who have exited the phonics scheme can select free-readers from the book corners in their classroom or the school library. Pupils who read regularly at home are rewarded in termly celebration assemblies.
Read Write Inc. was brought into Seal Primary in 2014 in order to develop children's reading, writing, and spelling to the highest possible standard. It is undertaken as the first lesson every morning within small groups depending on the child's age and ability. All teaching members of staff have been trained in order to teach these groups and develop children's reading and writing. The children are assessed every term and re-grouped according to their ability and progress.
In Read, Write Inc. sessions, children are taught new sounds. They then read words containing that sound and sounds previously taught.
Children have a go at spelling words containing new sounds and sounds they have already been taught.
Everyday, children read a book that is at the level suitable for them.
'The four Read Write Inc. programmes provide a cohesive and creative approach to teaching children to read and write. Ruth Miskin’s trainers ensure that they are taught to the highest possible standard.'
Ruth Maskin
If you have any questions about Read, Write INC or phonics, please contact Miss Theobald at: otheobald@inspiream.org.uk
Set 2 and 3 - SoundsReading and Writing KitTen Top TipsLetter for Parents FAQSintro to RWI parent meeting 2023
Useful videos
What is RWI phonics: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/gkMFhGhC/H9eKKm2Z
Understanding phonics: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/mtFQ45s6/Cq3p3gK8
How to say the sounds: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/1iHVfWau/CZWuSo41
Listening to your child read: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/nWynb4EN/nzzjIAuz
Sound blending: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/wqL1mGyP/axopR2KS
Reading digraphs with your child: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/uhQzpWkG/fvJaJoDN
Supporting spelling: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/cBKpLpir/Yf2gfqHz
The phonics screening check: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/bdyA7DE3/qwCcR0I9