Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement


Children in Need 2023

On Friday 17th November, children arrived to school donning their sportswear. They were ready and raring to go for an exhausting 15 minutes of completing as many burpees as they possibly could. 

Classes watched Joe Wicks model different techniques and took to the stage. Some children even managed a whopping 89 burpees!  

As a result, we managed to raise a brilliant £411 that will go directly to Children in Need, supporting children and their families across the country. 

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon 2023

On Friday 29th September, we held our annual coffee morning in the afternoon! 

The Rights Respecting Ambassadors wrote some lovely letters to local supermarkets which were hand-delivered. In response, we were kindly given donations of cakes by Sainsbury's, Waitrose and Tesco to add to the masses of donations given by the students and staff. 

In addition to selling cakes to the children at break time, the ambassadors hosted a coffee afternoon for parents and carers to buy cakes, have a hot drink and a chat.  

In a joint effort, we managed to raise an incredible £517 for Macmillan Cancer Support.