Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement

Parent Communication


It is a legal requirement for parents to ensure that their children attend school between the ages of 5 and 16 unless they have decided to educate them at home. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children are at school for the 190 days of the school year. The remaining 175 days are school holidays. All pupils are therefore expected to be in school each day unless their absence from school is unavoidable.

My child is unwell today. What should I do?

All children need to be in school every day to achieve their best. Of course, we understand sometimes a child is too poorly to attend school and in this case we ask you to please telephone the school office on 01732 762388 or email the Family Liaison Officer before 9.30am on each day of the absence to let the school know that your child is unwell and the reason for this absence. If this is not done an unauthorised absence mark will be placed in your child’s attendance records for the sessions they are absent. 


Holiday requests

I would like to take my child out of school to go on holiday. What do I need to do?

Government regulations make it clear that headteachers may not grant any holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. For this reason, the old ten day allowance has been removed and headteachers  should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.

These changes came into effect on 1st September 2013.

Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school penalty notices. Penalty notices of £60 will be issued to each parent for each child that is absent and should be paid within 21 days. If unpaid after 21 days the penalty notice will double to £120. ( Education (Penalty Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013.) Instructions on how to pay the penalty notice are contained within the notice itself and funds from these notices are paid directly to the local council.

My holiday is in 'exceptional circumstances' not just a family holiday! What do I do?

Please email the Headteacher detailing your request for an authorised absence.

My Child At School Account