Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement

Year 6 - Kestrels

Year 6 - Kestrels

Welcome to Kestrels class page!

 apa 2013 28296 225112 davidzieg american kestrel kk adult male (1)

Class teacher - Miss Shepheard

Class Teaching Assistants - Mr Mann and Miss Popperwell

Contact email -

PE is on a Tuesday. Children should come into school dressed in their PE kit.

What are we learning this term?

Main Experiences 

Marvelous Maya - In this History experience we are looking at how the Maya civilisation contributed to modern beliefs and technology.

Discrete Experiences

English - In English we are focusing on writing non-chronological reports on the circulatory system, using impersonal language and technical, scientific vocabulary. 

In Reading - We are reading the Maya myth The Hero Twins.

Maths- This term we are focusing on Ratio and Algebra.

PE - This term our PE focus is Hockey.

RE - In RE we are looking at Islam.

Wellbeing – In Wellbeing we are learning about the brain and how it functions. 

MFL - In French we are looking at the weather.


How can you support at home?

Homework is uploaded to TEAMs every Friday. If you need the work printing, please ask. 

Please encourage your child to access TTRS.

Children should aim to read daily at home for 15 minutes.


Term 1 - Heartbeat


What makes a healthy heart? 

In our first learning experience 'Heartbeat' we are exploring the circulatory system and how it functions. From measuring our resting heart rate to seeing the changes to our pulse through a variety of exercises, to learning about the different parts of the heart and the impact of exercise and drugs. We will also look at life-saving skills. At the end of our experience we will share our knowledge with professionals in a workshop, celebrating our learning. 


We shared our learning with experts in the field! They were so impressed with our knowledge of the heart!


Term 2 - Run Rabbit Run!

For our World War Two experience we are looking at how the local community was affected by the events of the Second World War. We will be learning about many areas, including rationing, evacuation and The Blitz. 



To start our experience we learnt about rationing and made no bake chocolate cake - a popular cake made during the war!

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We will be holding an exibition to show off our learning! 

Look out for the date.

Term 3 - Marvellous Maya

How did the Ancient Mayan civilisation contribute to modern beliefs and technology?

In this experience we are exploring the Ancient Maya and their beliefs. We are focusing on where Ancient Maya was, how their society was structured into different city-states, the roles of different people in Ancient Maya and also their technology and inventions.



We tasted Ancient Mayan cocoa-we found it very bitter.



We wrote our own version of the Ancient Mayan traditional tale The Mayan Twins and published them.

We are also going to make Ancient Mayan quizzes on computers!

Recommended Reading - Year 6

The Silly Book of Side-Splitting Stuff – Andy Seed

A Boy Called Hope – Lara Williamson

Illegal – Eoin Colder

The Nowhere Emporium – Ross Mackenzie

Time Travelling with a Hamster – Ross Welford

Cogheart – Peter Bunzl

The Girl of Ink and Stars – Kiran Millwood Hargrave

Eren – Simon P Clark

The Railway Children – E.Nesbit

Abomination – Robert Swindells

Carries War – Nina Bawden

The What on Earth? Wallbook Timeline of Nature – Christopher Lloyd

Raspberries on the Yangtze – Karen Wallace

The Crowstarver – Dick King-Smith

Awful End – Philip Ardagh

From Hereabout Hill – Michael Morpurgo

Fruit and Nutcase – Jean Ure

Granny – Anthony Horowitz

The Hobbit – J.R.R Tolkin

Kenzuke’s Kingdom – Michael Morpurgo

Lion Boy – Zizou Corder

The Machiene Gunners – Robert Westall

The Viewer – Gary Crew

My Swordhand is Singing – Marcus Sedgwick

Once – Morris Gleitzman

The Other Side of Truth – Beverley Naidoo

The SIlver Sword – Ian Serrailler

Skellig – David Almond

Superfudge – Judy Blume

Tell me no Lies – Malorie Blackman

The Weathermonger – Peter Dickinson

What Katy Did – Susan Coolidge

The Wheel of Surya – Jamila Gavin

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – C.S Lewis

Goodnight Mister Tom – Michelle Magorian

Why the Whales Came – Michael Morpurgo

The Borrowers – Mary Norton

Silverfin – Charlie Higson

Oranges in No Man’s Land – Elizabeth Laird

Times Tables

Times tables are extremely important in Year 6. To help with this, children have access to Times Table Rock Stars.

Here are some other useful websites to help with practising times tables: