Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement

Our Rights

Playground Charter

At the start of each academic year, the children sign the Playground Charter.

Article 2 (the right to be treated fairly)
Article 15 (the right to choose our own friends)
Article 19 (the right to be safe)
Article 24 (the right to a clean and healthy environment)

The class teacher discusses with the children how they are going to ensure the articles are respected to ensure everyone has a safe and happy break time. 

By signing the Playground Charter, the children agree to demonstrate positive behaviour that respects these rights for all.

playground charter

Pupil Voice

At Seal, we pride ourselves on our students having a voice. We value their views on every aspect of school life where possible. As duty-bearers, we understand that it is our duty to ensure all children feel listened to, valued, respected and empowered.  

We teach children that it is their right to be heard (Article 12). 

How we listen to our pupils at Seal:

School Council - Led by the Rights Respecting Ambassadors, who meet regularly. See the School Council page. 

Justice League - Children from year 5 have been trained to use the restorative justice wheel on the playground. The Justice League liase with staff to ensure all children are having an enjoyable lunchtime experience.

Learning Experiences - When Year 5 learned about the influence of the Ancient Greeks and democracy in October 2023, they wrote balanced arguments about the level of democracy for children in school. They asked for a shared Pupil Voice Box that can be housed in a central space and their voices were heard! Our Pupil Voice Box lives in the hall and children can post suggestions and ideas in whenever they like; Year 6 Rights Respecting ambassadors look at it on a weekly basis and pass messages onto Mrs Jones.

Justice League

In response to the playground charter, the Justice League use the restorative justice wheel to help solve minor playground issues to ensure that every child has a happy playtime. The Justice League is made up of children from each class who have shown their ability to care for others. 

Article 31- The right to play and relax

School Council

Two children from each class are chosen to be Rights Respecting Ambassadors. The Ambassadors make up the school council.

Every Monday the Ambassadors have a School Council Meeting. They have held coffee mornings for parents and the local community, promoted and supported the local foodbank, monitored school improvement and they have helped to improve playtimes. 

During Term 1, the Rights Respecting Ambassadors came together to decide our campaign for the term and how we can be sponsored to raise money for a good cause. They decided that, given the conflict at the time, raising money for UNICEF and the children of Israel and Gaza was an important cause. Find out more on our Campaigning page.

Article 12 - The right to be heard

Class Charters

Every class, from Reception all the way up to Y6, has their own charter displayed in their classroom. These come from the articles on The UN convention on the Rights of the Child. Here is a selection from this academic Year 2023/24.

Article 1: All children have the right to know their rights.

Here is a selection of our class charters for 2023/24. They are based on the Articles in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


At Seal, we celebrate our differences and understand that we must show respect towards everyone regardless of these differences (Article 2 - All children have the same rights no matter who they are). 

At the start of 2021, we decided to campaign for Anti-Racism, as we believe racism is wrong and our differences make us great. Each year group thought about the way they could make the biggest difference. Some of the ideas included poetry, letters to authors, a travelling book and a music video.

Ladybirds' and Bumblebees' Anti-Racism book: 



Year 3's Anti-Racism Poetry campaign:



In the near future we will be thinking about how we can celebrate diversity in all aspects. We will consider different hobbies and use sport to celebrate diversity within teams.